2022 has been a busy year in many respects. Yesterday I wrapped up my last market for the year and I am ready to take a break. I don't yet know what "taking a break" is going to look like for me. I'm not one to be idle, but I have ideas, and much of it has to do with focusing on projects for myself. Here are a few thoughts I have, and none of them are about pottery.
Meditate more (longer). Many years ago I completed the five levels of The Heart of Warriorship Shambhala Training and over the years have developed a regular daily meditation practice. I've committed to sitting everyday, even if only for a few minutes. I would like to increase the time I sit in silent mediation and this seems as good a time as any to add some additional minutes to my morning routine.
Complete some home renovations. Last winter we removed the wallpaper and painted the dining room. This winter I would like to redo the walls in the living room. I also bought some beautiful wallpaper I want to put on the wall leading up the stairs. The stair treads have also been in a partially done state for way too long. It's going to be a lot of work...but again, it's work I will be doing for myself.
Build beehives. I probably don't need another garden task, but I've always wanted to keep bees. I've read about topbar beehives and they fascinate me. I've read about way to attract bees to the hives on their own and would like to give it a try. I enjoy working with wood, and feel it would be a small scale project to practice some carpentry skills.
Read by the fire. Winters in the Catskills are cold. Like, really cold. Sure, we are not that far from NYC, but the temps drop fast when you reach this section of the state. Getting a roaring fire going and settling down with a book sounds amazing...and if I end up falling asleep for a nap, so be it.
Those are a few things on my break "to-do" list. While I probably will find time to set up the new studio and make some new pieces, I won't be actively taking any new projects for a few weeks. I may even skip out on blogging until mid-January. But then again, maybe I'll get bored with trying to relax and hop right back into the grind.