Last Monday, my new kiln element arrived and I replaced the damaged one and immediately ran an empty kiln to oxidize the new element. After the kiln cooled, I got back to firing new work, both bisque and glaze. With less than two weeks to go before the Rhinebeck Arts Festival on June 25th and 26th, and the Berkshire's Arts Festival July 1st-3rd, I have a lot to get caught up on.
For that reason, this is just a quick post to say the kiln is repaired and I'm back to firing. I definitely feel the pressure, and I'm grateful for many of the kind words of encouragement I've been sent. That said, it is time to get off the computer, step away from Instagram, and back into the studio. I look forward to showing you all photos of my new market display, which is still in the works...but I can get it all done in 10 days, right? RIGHT?!