
Keep Going Even When It Feels Pointless

Keep Going Even When It Feels Pointless

There is no way to put into words the madness going on in the world. Innocent people are dying and being killed, rights are being stripped, and the divide between neighbors grows everyday. There is so much negativity coming at us from every angle, it is hard not to feel helpless and hopeless. Lately when I step into the studio, I wonder what the point is and how to find joy in what I do. Being scared and terrified with what's happening and being proud of your own accomplishments are not mutually exclusive. By continuing to pursue your own goals...

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Getting Ready for 2022 Markets

Getting Ready for 2022 Markets

If you've been following my Instagram, you know I've been spending a lot of time in the studio lately. For one, I am able to, but also I have been applying to more markets than usual this year and I want to be prepared. Here's where I am planning to be this year. Events subject to change and there may be additions. Maybe time to hire a helper? April 30th - May 1st: The Farmhouse Project Makers Market & Garden Party "The Market will be held in the bright and airy Greenhouse and historic Pole Barn at The Arnold House,...

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I’m not a writer

I’m not a writer

When I was in high school, an English teacher handed me back a paper I wrote with the note "It's called grammar" written across the top. I don't remember the grade, but the handwritten message has stuck with me for 30+ years. It has convinced me I am not a writer and I should not attempt to express myself through words. The note left a pretty deep scar I am still thinking about today. I don't hold it against the teacher, and while I think she could have been a bit more graceful with how she let me know my...

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Supply Challenges

Supply Challenges

In this age of online shopping where everything is just a click away, it's easy to take for granted the ease of getting supplies...until it's not. I will admit, I am not the most organized when it comes to keeping track of my inventory of supplies and last week this bit me in the butt. I was working on some cake stands and finished the bag of open clay. I bent down to pull a new bag out from under the wedging table, but wait...where's my porcelain? I went into the garage and pulled out a new box. The clay...

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Things I Want to Make for Me

Things I Want to Make for Me

Most of the time I spend in the studio is making work for my website, stores, and upcoming markets. I tend to focus on what I sell the most of which are mugs, vases, and bowls. I don't get a lot of time to experiment with new ideas, but occasionally I will make pieces just for me and not anything I plan on putting into production. A couple years ago, I made a cloche for baking bread...I bake my own bread every other week, and wanted to see if it made any difference to the bread. Conclusion, it does, but...

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