
New Studio...?

New Studio...?

I've been hesitant to talk much about this because I don't yet have a clear plan or timeline, but I'm in need of a new work space. As the saying goes, it's a good problem to have...but having outgrown my current studio it's still a problem. While still functional, the space is very limiting and is becoming increasingly less efficient while trying to meet deadlines and fulfill orders. There are a few issues with my current studio. For starters, it is small. About 6ft wide by 16ft long. The studio holds two work tables, a wheel, 4 shelving units for...

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My Most Asked Question

My Most Asked Question

The question I am asked most often is "What do you enjoy making above all?" and the answer I usually give is "bowls." All my work is made using soft slabs. Essentially, I roll the clay into slabs like you would pastry dough and form the work while the clay is still wet. For bowls, I rip and tear the slabs to fill in the round shape. From the inside, the bowl is relatively smooth, from the outside you can see the overlapping slabs and how the bowl is pieced together. Depending on the size of the bowl, you may...

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The Start of B. Cronk Ceramics

The Start of B. Cronk Ceramics

Thanks for stopping by my site. I will start with a disclaimer...I do not consider myself a writer. My words and sentence structure may not be perfect, but I thought I'd start letting you all into the background of B. Cronk Ceramics. I hope to share my thoughts, process, issues I'm dealing with, and occasionally non-ceramic happenings in my life. But first some information about me and how I became a potter. I think it was 2006, I met someone at a knitting group who encouraged me to sign up for a ceramics class after I mentioned to him it...

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