
Reminders of how I got to where I am

Reminders of how I got to where I am

This past week, I've had a few reminders of my past, which have all served to make me look at where I am and how my life has changed. First, I got a text from a former coworker who was camping up in the area with his family. He is probably one of the last people I worked with before I packed up my apartment and moved to the Catskills. I went and hung out with him by the lake, and we talked a little bit about how work was going for him (he's still at the company I left)...

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T-Shirts by Siblings

T-Shirts by Siblings

When I first started attending markets, my sister made me a t-shirt with my logo on it. I kept getting asked if I sold the shirts. It seemed strange to me someone would want my logo on a shirt for themselves...but after a being asked repeatedly, my sister and I decided to make them available. Made with vinyl decals, the shirts are made to order by my sister. It's fun getting to work on this with her. We don't live near each other, and while we are close and keep in touch, life can get busy, and before you know...

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Making Time to Experiment

Making Time to Experiment

One of the downsides of being a working potter is there's little time to play and experiment with new techniques and forms. While working on orders and being in the midst of market season, it's all I can do to stay (mostly) on track and on deadline. But experimenting is important for several reasons. For one, you don't want to get burnt out or bored. I love making my birch pieces, but since I am looking at the birch and practicing the same techniques over and over, it can get a little mind-numbing. Also, without mixing things up, it is...

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I can do it!

I can do it!

This past weekend, I was at the Berkshires Art Festival in Great Barrington. It was a fun weekend, and my sister came out to help me. It was nice to have the assistance, but it was more wonderful to hang out together for a couple days, which we don't get to do often enough. During the weekend, I met many amazing artists and talked to lots of friendly visitors. I have to admit, before attending the Rhinebeck Crafts Festival and then the Berkshires, I was intimidated by the size and scope of these shows. Up until now, the markets I've...

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Let's talk a little more about my anxiety

A few weeks ago, I made a comment in one of my posts about my anxiety and I received a few comments so I thought I would take a moment to write more about my experience and how I view my anxiety now. This past weekend was the Rhinebeck Crafts Festival, and it was my first year being a participating artist. There were moments leading up to weekend when I felt lightheaded, tired, sweaty, and even at times like my chest was being crushed. Thoughts went through my head telling me I should back out, that I'm not good enough,...

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