
What's that called?

What's that called?

Recently I've been having self-doubt about some of my skills because I don't always know what things and processes are called. When I catch myself worrying about it and questioning myself, I remember my early days of web development. I did not go to school for programming, I had an interest and started to play around with html and stylesheets. But I didn't always know what a process or piece of code was called. When I went on interviews, I would be asked technical questions I couldn't answer, but if you gave me a task or problem to fix, I...

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I can...and I will

I can...and I will

The other day I was thinking about the first pottery class I took, which to be honest, wasn't so much a class as it was a bunch of people hanging out after work. I didn't stay at that studio for long. Anyways, as part of the class, you could signup for studio time to practice. I remember the studio monitor approaching me to ask what I was working on. "I'm making a teapot." He scowled and told me I couldn't make a teapot because I was a beginner and they are an advanced project. I don't remember how I responded,...

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Kiln is Here!

Kiln is Here!

Last week, my new kiln was delivered. It arrived much earlier than I expected and while I'm thrilled to have it here, I am not quite ready to set it up in the new space. For reasons such as location and access, I decided to have the kiln delivered to my house, despite its final location being 9 miles down the road. I am lucky enough to have a friend with a tractor and was able to easily move it from the road into my garage, where it will stay until I have time to carefully and safely move it...

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Highly Unmotivated

Highly Unmotivated

I have to admit, I've been enjoying the break I took and am having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I've been taking some time to reflect and decide what I want to focus on for the new year. I have made a few things in the new studio, but have yet to develop a routine. I am waiting on the new kiln to arrive and need to schedule a clay pickup. All my to-dos seem to get pushed to tomorrow. A body in motion, stays in motion, but once the ball stops rolling, it's difficult...

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Planning 2023's Clay Usage

Planning 2023's Clay Usage

Happy New Year! Vacation is over, time to get back to work! Well, almost. I have given myself some time off during the holidays and after my last market in December to decompress. I am starting to think about planning for 2023, and looking for ways to be even more efficient. For one, moving into a larger studio space I'll be able to work smarter with all my equipment, materials, and storage within arm's reach. Where I would like to improve is staying on top of supplies. While moving down to the studio, I realized I was on my last...

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